ICMR LAB REGISTRATION Username* Password* Confirm Password* Laboratory Name Lab Type*PrivateGovernmentDoes the Lab have ICMR permission to conduct COVID19 antigen test?*YesNoLab Nodal Officer Name Nodal Officer Phone* Nodal Officer E-mail* LSGD Name* Local Body Type*CorporationMunicipalityPanchayatDistrict*ThiruvananthapuramKollamAlappuzhaPathanamthittaKottayamIdukkiErnakulamThrissurPalakkadMalappuramKozhikodeWayanadKannurKasaragodLaboratory AddressPincode* Lab E-mail Address* Laboratory Phone Number* Are the lab staff trained to use PPE?*YNDoes the laboratory have an isolated facility for testing of COVID19 patients?*YNDoes the laboratory have enough PPE for testing of COVID19 patients?*YN Only fill in if you are not human Login